Update regarding the merger of 27@Northgate & 28@Northgate. 

Dear Patients,

 The Partners at 27 and 28 wanted to update you regarding the merger of the practices in a few weeks' time, which has now been approved by our commissioning body, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board.

 The partnerships will merge on Monday 1 April (which also happens to be Easter Monday), when the practice will in fact be closed.

 In the week preceding the merger (w/c Monday 25 March), the two practices will be closed on Good Friday (29 March), but will otherwise be open and running from Monday to Thursday as usual, as separate practices.

 From Tuesday 2 April, the two practices will have merged in name to become 'Northgate Health Centre'.  However, the merging of the two teams and clinical systems won't happen till 7 May.  Throughout this period, you will still be able to contact us in the same way you have always done; that is to say, both practices' telephone numbers will for the time being go through to Northgate Medical Centre, and you will be passed to the relevant team.  As well, the same web access and email addresses will remain operational for now, and again, will  go through to the relevant team.

 Please be reassured, during this transition period, there should not be any change to services, or how you access them.  We have been carefully planning for the switchover for some time, and do not anticipate any problems.  However, if you are inconvenienced in any way, we apologise in advance, and will work to resolve this as quickly as possible.    

 We would like to thank the patients who were involved in the consultation process, and who attended the patient consultation meeting; please see the minutes of the meeting below.  If patients have any further questions regarding the merger, then please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Sarah Szreider (Head of Business, Administration & Finance) via the following methods:

Email: beaumontstreet28@nhs.net

Post: Mrs Sarah Szreider- Head of Business Administration & Finance, Northgate Health Centre, 15 Market Street, Oxford, OX1 3EF

We look forward to continuing to provide your care under our new name, 'Northgate Health Centre'.

Yours faithfully

Partners of 27@Northgate & 28@Northgate

 Dr Matthew Easdale, Dr Rachel Allan, Dr Adam Prewett, Dr Wan Jauhari, Prof Richard McManus, Dr David McCartney & Dr Simon Clough



Patient Q&A regarding the proposed merger of 27@Northgate & 28@Northgate 

Tuesday 9th January 2024  

12.30 midday 



  • Dr Simon Clough, GP Partner 27@Northgate 

  • Dr Matthew Easdale, Senior GP Partner, 28@Northgate  

  • Sarah Szreider, Head of Business, Administration & Finance, Northgate Health Centre 

  • Due to confidentiality patient names have remained anonymous.  

  • Patient 1- 27 @Northgate  

  • Patient 2- 28@Northgate  

  • Patient 3- 28@Northgate  

  • Carer of patient- 27@Northgate  


Introductions & Welcome from Dr Clough & Dr Easdale  

Patients where thanked in attending and for those who had pre submitted questions which Dr Clough & Dr Easdale ran through in order, some have been reworded due to similar questions being asked. Some patients have not been able to attend the meeting today however would like minutes of the meeting which will be shared.  



  1. Patients wanted to seek assurance that they where able to see their usual GP and remain on the same list.  

We will be keeping the clinical teams the same and you will be able to consult with the same GP of your choice. There will be crossover across the two clinical teams but we remain to focus on continuity of care.  

  1. Patients want to know what the contractual driver for the merger?  

There is a requirement to satisfy our on the day demand, merging the two practices will allow us to fulfil this.  

  1. You speak of better use of staff and resources and reducing work duplication. This seems to be similar to expectations when practices moved to the Northgate building. What was achieved in this respect following the move, and what further changes do you now see as taking place? 

As we have now moved into the new practice the duplication of running a building across the three practices has now reduced. It has also allowed us to recruit and employ additional staff working across the three practices (namely a physiotherapist, two paramedics and two pharmacists).  There are continued new directives from NHS England (and other sources) which result in back-office duplication across practices; once we merge this will reduce this and hence free up our skilled administrators to concentrate more on normal practice. The larger team will also provide greater staff resilience – something highlighted by the recent pandemic.  

  1. How can we show that the merger has been successful?  

Satisfaction of patients and staff, continue to provide good care, we aim to take the best bits of both practices and move this forward. We will continue to review survey feedback and develop a PPG.  

  1. Will we remain in the same building or are there plans to move?  

We will stay in the same building, there is no appetite or requirement to move.  

  1. Are there any other surgeries at Northgate Health Centre who are also going to join?  

There are currently three practices at Northgate Health Centre. There is currently no appetite for King Edward Street to merge with 27 & 28 Northgate.  

  1. Is there going to be a lead partner? 

Historically there has always been a senior partner- this will be a dual role and all partners will lead on different aspects to the practice. Decisions will be made as one partnership.  

  1. What will the size of the practice be and what will this be compared to other local practices.  

The merged list size is approx. 14k patients which is a medium sized practice for the local area.  

Close of meeting  

There were no further questions asked by patients attending or pre submitted. Dr Clough, Dr Easdale & Sarah Szreider thanked patients for their input and any if further questions arise the suggestion is to make an appointment with a Doctor or Ms Szreider to discuss these.  

Published: Mar 20, 2024